Our Services


About Lifecare
Gynae Office Procedures
Ultrasound Division
Minimal Invasive Surgeries
For Pregnant Women
Major Gynaecological Surgical Procedures by our Team
Training Courses Academic / Community Training

Operative Hysteroscopy- Hysteroscopy can also be performed to remove tissue or growths that interfere with fertility. The hysteroscope that is usually used for operating is larger than the one used for diagnosing problems in the uterus, so you will need general, epidural or spinal anesthesia; and the procedure will probably be done in a hospital or outpatient facility. After operative hysteroscopy, there is very little discomfort since there were no incisions made.

Endometrial Polyps- are lesions commonly found in infertility patients. Polyps are an overgrowth of the tissue that lines the uterine cavity or cervix. Depending on their size and location, polyps are either removed in the physician's office or in an operating room.

Uterine Fibroids- are noncancerous growths in your uterus. These growths can cause heavy bleeding if they are in the inside of the uterus. A hysteroscope can be used to remove these growths.

Intrauterine scar tissue- can be removed with either office or operative hysteroscopy. To prevent scar tissue from returning, your doctor may give you estrogen and place a balloon in your uterus for up to a week after surgery. A follow-up hysteroscopy or other method of uterine evaluation may also be needed to determine if scar tissue has returned.

Uterus septum- resection is Beautifully done with operating hysteroscopy by our team

What are the risks of hysteroscopy?

Only 1% of women have complications from an office hysteroscopy. After any procedure, you could have an infection. Rarely, the surgeon could accidentally puncture a hole in the wall of your uterus (called uterine perforation) using the hysteroscope. These holes are small and usually heal by themselves. Complications with operative hysteroscopy include absorption of fluid, infection, bleeding, and uterine perforation. If a perforation occurs during an operative hysteroscopy, you may need another procedure to ensure there is no damage to nearby organs such as your intestines, bladder, or blood vessels.